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Debugging using Linaro DDT

The Linaro Forge tool suite is installed on Cirrus. This includes DDT, which is a debugging tool for scalar, multi-threaded and large-scale parallel applications. To compile your code for debugging you will usually want to specify the -O0 option to turn off all code optimisation (as this can produce a mismatch between source code line numbers and debugging information) and -g to include debugging information in the compiled executable. To use this package you will need to log in to Cirrus with X11-forwarding enabled, load the Linaro Forge module and execute forge:

module load forge

Debugging runs on the login nodes

You can execute and debug your MPI code on the login node which is useful for immediate development work with short, small, simple runs to avoid having to wait in the queue. Firstly ensure you have loaded the mpt module and any other dependencies of your code, then start Forge and click Run. Fill in the necessary details of your code under the Application pane, then tick the MPI tick box, specify the number of MPI processes you wish to run and ensure the implementation is set to HPE MPT (2.18+). If this is not set correctly then you can update the configuration by clicking the Change button and selecting this option on the MPI/UPC Implementation field of the system pane. When you are happy with this hit Run to start.

Debugging runs on the compute nodes

This involves DDT submitting your job to the queue, and as soon as the compute nodes start executing you will drop into the debug session and be able to interact with your code. Start Forge and click on Run, then in the Application pane provide the details needed for your code. Then tick the MPI box -- when running on the compute nodes, you must set the MPI implementation to Slurm (generic). You must also tick the Submit to Queue box. Clicking the Configure button in this section, you must now choose the submission template. One is provided for you at /work/y07/shared/cirrus-software/forge/latest/templates/cirrus.qtf which you should copy and modify to suit your needs. You will need to load any modules required for your code and perform any other necessary setup, such as providing extra sbatch options, i.e., whatever is needed for your code to run in a normal batch job.


The current Linaro Forge licence permits use on the Cirrus CPU nodes only. The licence does not permit use of DDT/MAP for codes that run on the Cirrus GPUs.

Back in the DDT run window, you can click on Parameters in the same queue pane to set the partition and QoS to use, the account to which the job should be charged, and the maximum walltime. You can also now look at the MPI pane again and select the number of processes and nodes to use. Finally, clicking Submit will place the job in the queue. A new window will show you the queue until the job starts at which you can start to debug.

Memory debugging with DDT

If you are dynamically linking your code and debugging it on the login node then this is fine (just ensure that the Preload the memory debugging library option is ticked in the Details pane.) If you are dynamically linking but intending to debug running on the compute nodes, or statically linking then you need to include the compile option -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition and explicitly link your executable with Allinea's memory debugging library. The exactly library to link against depends on your code; -ldmalloc (for no threading with C), -ldmallocth (for threading with C), -ldmallocxx (for no threading with C++) or -ldmallocthcxx (for threading with C++). The library locations are all set up when the forge module is loaded so these libraries should be found without further arguments.

Remote Client

Linaro Forge can connect to remote systems using SSH so you can run the user interface on your desktop or laptop machine without the need for X forwarding. Native remote clients are available for Windows, macOS and Linux. You can download the remote clients from the Linaro Forge website. No licence file is required by a remote client.


The same versions of Linaro Forge must be installed on the local and remote systems in order to use DDT remotely.

To configure the remote client to connect to Cirrus, start it and then click on the Remote Launch drop-down box and click on Configure. In the new window, click Add to create a new login profile. For the hostname you should provide where username is your login username. For Remote Installation Directory* enter /work/y07/shared/cirrus-software/forge/latest. To ensure your SSH private key can be used to connect, the SSH agent on your local machine should be configured to provide it. You can ensure this by running ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cirrus before using the Forge client where you should replace ~/.ssh/id_rsa_cirrus with the path to the key you normally use to log in to Cirrus. This should persist until your local machine is restarted --only then should you have to re-run ssh-add.

If you only intend to debug jobs on the compute nodes no further configuration is needed. If however you want to use the login nodes, you will likely need to write a short bash script to prepare the same environment you would use if you were running your code interactively on the login node -- otherwise, the necessary libraries will not be found while running. For example, if using MPT, you might create a file in your home directory containing only one line:

module load mpt

In your local Forge client you should then edit the Remote Script field in the Cirrus login details to contain the path to this script. When you log in the script will be sourced and the software provided by whatever modules it loads become usable.

When you start the Forge client, you will now be able to select the Cirrus login from the Remote Launch drop-down box. After providing your usual login password the connection to Cirrus will be established and you will be able to start debugging.

You can find more detailed information here.

Getting further help on DDT